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Paranormal Research and the Differently-Abled

I am 98% deaf in my left ear. My right is not looking, er…hearing, so well anymore. I have hearing aids and they’ve been a lifesaver. The left aid is actually a receiver that sends sounds to the right aid, allowing me to hear. The downfall is I hear everything on the right side! Where am I going with this?? Follow me!

Many of us have some sort of difficulty. I don’t like using words like ‘disabled’, or ‘challenged’. I know of many in the paranormal world that are on the spectrum, have high anxiety, are hard of hearing, have arthritis or fibromyalgia, or are wheelchair bound. These things should NOT hinder anyone from doing what they love. Including being part of a paranormal team.

In my experience, I’ve found having noise canceling headphones to be a dream. They drown out background noise so I can hear what’s being played in an audio clip. I’ve also learned to not touch my face or ears during an investigation as my aids make whispery noises when they are brushed against! It makes for amusing, albeit frustrating, moments when we all think we’ve heard a soft whisper, only to realize it was ME fixing my ponytail!

I once worked with someone who has Asperger’s, a form of autism spectrum disorder. People with this disorder have a difficult time relating to others socially and their behavior and thinking patterns can be rigid and repetitive. This investigator was very hands on with equipment and loved to do setting up and checking to make sure everything was in order. He took meticulous notes, and was very protective of his teammates.

Another frustration is having fibromyalgia or arthritis. Handling equipment for long periods can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Tripods for handheld devices are a godsend. Packing your own chair is a great idea for those with aching hips, knees, and backs. And, instead of spending time typing out investigation reports, use a dictation device. Those with mobility issues, that may prevent them from walking the site, may be best at “base camp” or with evidence review. Equipment handling can be difficult so maybe they could opt for a voice recorder or other equipment with a thicker handle to hold.

So, you see, this field is extremely inclusive. Everyone has a job they can do and in a way that will work for them. The world is full of devices and contraptions that can make our lives easier and more productive. Even for those of us who love to creep around dark hallways hoping to catch something communicating from the other side!

I recently had an interview with a fellow paranormal group from New England called Silence Paranormal. Several of their members are deaf or hard of hearing and I was curious as to how they conduct investigations. I am hard of hearing and felt it was a great chance to show how this field is very inclusive.Crystal Lee, and her team were kind enough to answer some questions. Please read on to learn about this incredible team.

1. What made you decide to create Silence Paranormal?

My name is Crystal Lee. I believe in spirits since I was 3-4 years old. Through the years, I have had several paranormal experiences at various locations. I always believed I can’t communicate with the spirits because I happen to be deaf.

In 2007, we bought our first house. My family weren’t aware that our house was haunted. Over the time living there, I would experience events I couldn’t explain. Finally in 2013 we decided to ask one of my deaf friend who is a Medium. He went through the house to attempt to get rid of paranormal activity. At the end, I could feel the energy in the house has changed for the better. I was very relieved.

Since my experience at our house I’ve taught myself a lot about paranormal phenomena. I started to read books to learn more about other people’s experiences and the different ways people communicate with spirits.

Being deaf, I assume that I will not be able to communicate with the spirits but later, I found that I was wrong. What I learned was that some spirits can read people’s mind and they understand a variety of language including ASL (American Sign Language)

I realized that I have special gift. I’m a Psychic Medium and Empath. I’ve met other people who also experience the paranormal by going on tours, investigations and attending Paracon events for couple years. I’ve seen many other people have their own teams. I thought to myself that I should have my own team. In 2016 I created Silence Paranormal Investigation.

Two years later, in 2018, I had my own show on SRN (Spirit Realm Network). I’ve had special guests join the show and we teach them how Deaf and Hard Of Hearings we do investigations. We did three episodes.

The purpose of my team is not just to investigations, but also teach others how we do investigations. I have amazing team, both Deaf and Hearing member are Jane Gammon, Susan O’Kane, Monica Brousseau-Works and Tammy Tamsey. Silence Paranormal Investigations visit known and unknown haunted places and client cases.

2. Tell me a bit about your team and their abilities.

I’m a deaf paranormal leader and investigator. Here is a little about myself.

I’m from Massachusetts and have two children. I enjoy photography, travel, visiting abandoned places, hiking, camping, beach, and reading. I’m an animal lover, I enjoy puzzles with wine. I love to go to antique shops.

I’m a Psychic Medium. I am a highly sensitive empath with a very strong intuition which allows me to experience an increased awareness with the paranormal phenomena on a daily basis. I love to help people and the spirits.”

Jane is a Deaf paranormal investigator. Here is a bit about herself.

“I’m from Maine. I have 2 children. They are both CODA (Children Of Deaf Adult). I have 4 grandchildren. My husband passed in 2016. I’ve experienced and developed a lot of touch, see flicker lights, smells in my house that how made me motivated myself more to get involved into Paranormal field. I loves to watch horror, paranormal TV shows and movies since as a kid. My daily channel is travel. I have a lot of Deja vus growing up and I believe I’m a psychic and Empath. I love animals, travel, on a cruise, dance, meet Paranormal people, Ghost Hunting at famous haunted places. I have a 15 years old Deaf/Blind papillons who is my daily sidekick.”

Susan is a Deaf Paranormal investigator. Here is about herself.

“I’m from Mass. I have a Deaf daughter and a beautiful grand daughter (Hearing). I am a Psychic and Empath. I love to travel, swim, read books, animal lover, camping and ride horses and love to try out many new things with friends. I love to go anywhere where water are like beach, lakes, rivers and so forth.” Why I'm interested in paranormal because of my past experiences.

Monica is Hearing investigator and researcher. Here is about herself.

“I am CODA (Children Of Deaf Adult). I am from Maine and married with 2 children. I love to read and travel. Grew up watching Ghost Hunters and interested in all things paranormal but can’t do scary movies. I would not consider myself someone with abilities however am sensitive to energy we cannot see. I am somewhat of a skeptic of what others tell me and rely on my own experiences and research. I am a debunker.”

Tammy is a Hearing investigator and researcher. Here is about herself.

I was born and raised in Maine. I have always had an interest in anything paranormal, in particular ghosts and ufos. I want to help people understand what is happening and be able to offer options for handling their concerns they are comfortable implementing.

3. How do those who are Deaf investigate?

For Deaf team member use red flashlights because red light is low enough so that we can still see each other when we ask the spirits a questions so we don’t have to repeat ourselves while in the dark room. White flashlight can be bother both us and the spirits. We use our hands in ASL to ask the spirits questions with our visual equipments that have light that go off. We don’t need interpreter for us and the spirits. We use our extra sensory. Team work to recognize and communication if feel something.

4. Do you use different devices for investigation?

We may create a device which detects a change in EMF and send visual cues. We also have another equipment where you hang on a door knob that if a spirit touch or attempts to open a door, the device will go off with LED lights instead of sound.

We also created our first American Sign Language Pendulum and Ouija boards. Both board designs have ASL hand signs. It may show you that spirits know all forms of language including ASL.

5. Does the team use other senses to investigate?

Our senses is heightened all the time, we have strong intuitions. We do have a sixth sense with different experiences such as: telepathy, clairsenses, Empath, Empathy, extra sensory perception (ESP), telekinesis and more.

6. Do you use sls cameras, rem pods, other equipment?

Yes, we use Rem pod, a cat ball LED toy, EDI meter, light motion sensor, HTO (Haunted Trigger Object), cat/dog triggers, music box, SLS camera, voice recorder, and more. We like to bring any triggers like bring toys, any objects and outfits to them to make us to connection also can cheer them up like they are happy to play with new toys and objects we bring.

Some deaf investigators prefer to wear their hearing aids because, like voice recorder, they are sensitive enough to pick up sounds not heard by human.

In our experiences, the spirits usually talk too quiet to comprehend and it was often a female voice. When we wear hearing aids, we heard loud and clear screams. That’s amazing because the spirit got our attention.

You know voice recorders are the most popular devices for hearing people. Some Deaf think a voice recorder can be sensitive to extra feelings. because, in the past, experiences when hearing sounds from the voice recorder, like footsteps, the bangs, footsteps up/downstairs, any noise except voice words. Send the clip of it to Deaf and Deaf opens it and turns the volume up and can feel the sound from the phone. Deaf can feel it so clearly. Like a friend has a voice recorder of the spirit walking downstairs and Deaf can feel the footsteps downstairs and can tell the spirit is wearing a heavy boot. It was an amazing feeling!

Thank you to Crystal Lee and her team at Silence Paranormal for sharing about themselves and how they conduct their investigations. It's so uplifting to see that no matter your abillities you can be included and be a part of something if you adapt your sences and create new ways of investagation that are within your own personal abilites.

- Steph

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